A Better 'Love Story'

Yep, thats right, Love Story, you need to relinquish your 1970's title as de facto romeo-n-julietesque sentimental tearjerker, you've been kicked to curb.
Being a film ho, I know other film hos, and they know two friends and so on. And thats how I found myself
My grandmother used to say - 'You dont get to choose who you love, why you love them or how long it will last.' This has certainly been my own experience and I think this may provide some insight into the film's tagline 'Love is a force of nature' without giving away the entire plot.
Everything about this film is a 10. Beautiful sweeping panoramic shots, raw and emotional dialogue, exquisite direction, etc. And pardon my Portuguese but Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal are unfuckingbelievably convincing in their roles as the two rural cowboys who turn a rocky-start friendship into something all-consuming and life altering. There is SO much chemistry between them that you start to wonder if they really aren't in love with each other off-screen. Explosive and stellar acting, indeed! Definitely noteworthy and probably more so than the boys are the girls. Anne Hathaway and Michelle Williams were heart-breaking as the women in their lives who come to their own levels of awareness and (re)definitions of love.
I hope people don't view Brokeback Mountain as 'that gay cowboy movie' since that part of the film is insignificant to the message. Even though there is physcial activity, plenty of it , at some point you forget that these are two men. The tough guy inability to articulate what they feel is entirely overshadowed by their actions. At its core, this film is a powerfully moving journey through an undeniable love and the tide of social and personal pressures that threaten its bond.
It doesn't matter if you're gay, straight, married, single, jaded or a hopeful romantic -- you will absolutely feel this movie.
If you're a straight man, dont worry, there are some gratuitous boobie shots. I think these got thrown in at the last minute. Hopefully those will get you through some of the rough spots, lol.
Hats off to you, Ang Lee, for making such a powerful, bold statement. I thought you would not be able to outshine your efforts on Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but you have. You and everyone in this film will sweep every category at the awards or something is terribly, tragically wrong.
Stock up on tissues, Brokeback Mountain opens Dec 9th.
Brokeback Mountain
LOL. I know me, speechless? Its difficult to grasp, isn't it?
You'll like this one Jim, it will appeal to your inner cowboy.
1:38 PM
Looking forward to this movie myself after hearing so much positive press about it.
12:54 PM
Hi Mark,
Its one of the most powerful films I've seen this side of 2000. Let me know what you think when you see it.
6:27 PM
Y'all need to go read the story before you see the movie. Its on Amazon for free. Quick read and potent as hell.
9:22 PM
Free? Yay, I need to do that too! Thanks Adam.
11:00 PM
I can't wait to see this movie :)
1:02 AM
I'll be expecting your review BFL (after you recover from all the boo-hooing :)
7:26 AM
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