They're Filming Midgets!
OK, I know the hitman in a moral dilema theme has been done to death in recent years but this is a fresh spin.
I've never been a big fan of Colin Farrell, aside from being so much GenX eye candy, I never thought of him as much of an actor. I stand corrected. Well, when I finish being doubled over from laughing my ass off, I will stand corrected. In this one he completely floored me with depth and range. Nice job!

A quick pass at the plot reveals two hitmen, Farrell and Brendan Gleeson, after a botched hit are sent by their boss (Ralph Fiennes) for a little "vacation" in Bruges, Belgium. The vacation is nothing more than a front for one hitman to kill the other. Both hitman face their own moral dilemas, as will the boss when the time comes. In the end all three men are looking for some sort of redemption, each will find it but not exactly in the manner they expect.
What I liked about this film was that even though there are some fantastically brutal scenes, both physically and emotionally, those scenes are equally balanced with some of the best comedy I've seen in years. Of course, if you don't like situational comedy a-la Tarrantino, you may not appreciate the content.
I found the location, Bruges, to be fascinating in all of its quirky small-town and medieval spendor. Not at all where I would imagine a feature film to be shot but I'm glad they did. It was nice that Gleeson, who is happy to be on "vacation", gleefully narrates his way through the city, which is kind of like seeing it through a virtual tour guide.
Farrell, Gleeson, Fiennes, a script that embodies the blackest of comedy and a fascinating location make In Bruges an unexpectedly powerful must-see. And I think from the quanity of one liners I hope to remember, a must-own.
In Bruges
I've never thought much of Colin either. Will have to check this out.
4:21 PM
You might change your mind too John!
6:41 PM
So, where are the midgets?
I remember reading a joke once, about a paprazzi chasing Britney Spears deciding to go back to shooting midget porn, so that he could look at his kids with some self-respect and dignity...
4:18 AM
LOL, thats funny Carl :)
There are a few midgets in In Bruges, one in particular was hysterical!
"They're filming midgets!" is one of the one-liners from Farrell. The other one I loved was "Bruges might be interesting if I were born on a farm and retarded. But I wasnt. So it doesnt"
7:25 AM
Hmmm... Retarded, farm dwelling midgets.
Maybe I will travel to Belgium one day, just to see the sights!
8:09 AM
Michael, I wonder if Belgium will get a little bump in tourism now. I know I'd really like to see Bruges in person.
8:42 AM
I'm still trying to warm up to Farrell!
You know who's cool? Terence Howard, who I just saw in "The Brave One."
"Hustle and Flow" 's good too.
I'll keep my eyes open for the new Farrell flick.
4:44 PM
Yes, I like Howard! Actually, although it was not well reviewed by "experts" I really enjoyed Hustle and Flow.
5:27 PM
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