Last month I joined the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston at a level that allows me to see the exhibits before they open to the public. I did it on purpose so I could actually see the art instead of the people trying to cram into the museum to see the art. I haven't figured out why with 30 different museums in Houston, the MFA is always packed to discomfort.
Yesterday I saw a photography exhibit by Houston's own Amy Blakemore. It was nice to walk through the gallery with only 4 other people.
Blakemore has an interesting style. The composition seems innocuous enough until you look at it for a long enough period of time. Then her photos become evocative and even downright disturbing. She has a knack for light, focus and bringing out elements of the casual street scene that are unexpected and thought-provoking.
Take for example the item below. If you're familiar with I-45 between Houston and Dallas, you have no doubt seen this monument of Sam Houston. Maybe you've even stopped and walked around the surrounding park. I really doubt you've seen it like this. Its 1950's sci-fi, you can almost hear Portishead's Mysterons on loop-back in your head.

Her exhibit opens today and runs through mid-September, definitely worth a visit.
That is very 50s Sci-Fi. I like it though.
12:57 AM
Me too Suzy, in fact I'm looking for the Sam Houston shot in reprint.
6:58 AM
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