Food, drink, film and other random thoughts from The Lone Star State.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Scary Numbers

I was talking to my friend George in Colorado recently, its hard to believe we have remained friends since I lived in Colorado, I dont think we've seen each other but maybe 3 times in many years.

My Colorado experience only lasted a little over a year, that winter thing just about killed me. I had a great time in Colorado and talking to George reminded me of wehn we went to a rodeo in Phoenix one year. I was in my 20's and loved getting on a plane and going anywhere, travel was and still is a passion. Phoenix was fun, the rodeo was fun, we drank, ate and carried on way too much. One drunken night we were standing in a bar and I was reading a flyer tacked to a corkboard, "NUMEROLOGY CHART - $15". "Lets do this!", cheap beer buzz and no reservations we go around the corner to get our numerology charts done.

Witchy Woman takes our full names, birth dates, cities of birth and $15 and slinks off to a back room. We hear typing then an archaic printer straining to chuck out a 45 page document detailing our lives. No, I didnt believe in numerology at all, I simply wanted something fun to read on the plane back to Denver ... there was also that cheap beer buzz clouding my judgement.

More drinking, eating and carrying on. Poof - we're on a plane to Denver. I pull out Witchy Woman's novel and start reading. My life had been broken into age ranges or pinnacles as the novel called them. Pinnacle 1 - birth to 17, uh huh, skip. Pinnacle 2 - 18 to 31, yes, thats the one. Strangely there was a lot of scary true stuff about relationships, moving, career, and family. Some of the things the novel said could have been true about anyone in my age range but there were particulars.

One freaky thing in novel was that I had always lived on a coastline but never had an affinity to water and I would move to a land-locked area. Oooooo, yeah, at that point I had lived in Tampa/St. Pete, Mobile, San Francisco - coastlines and I had just moved to Denver, non-coastline. Frankly I am not a water person either. Ooooooo. It went on to say that I would work in a transportation industry, I had just landed a contract with Federal Express. Ooooooo. Then it went on to say that I would go back to a coastline and I did I move to Houston after Denver. Oooooo.

Tonight I'm frantically looking through my box o' crap trying to locate Witchy Woman's novel. I found it! Quick, Pinnacle 3 - 32 to 45. Crap, crap, crap .... oooooo, here's one. I will change careers, yep, I'm in grad school for exactly that. Ooooooo. Here's one that hasnt played yet but ... I will start the most meaningful relationship of my life in this pinnacle. The person is supposed to enter my life twice, the first time it will be casual, the second more serious. Oooooo. Hmmm. With my memory I could have dated the same person twice and not remembered it (and I have, I'm not kidding!).

Then there's this - during this pinnacle you will invite odd people into your life in order to study them. Do I do that? I mean, I do tend to like people that are somewhat different but do I study them? Time for an outside opinion, click, speed dial to giddy boy. "Hey, do I invite odd people into my life to study them?" Silence, "Jim, what in the hell are you talking about???" Oh, right he needs the necessary background. "Well .... yeah, you do talk to any random freak but you do keep your distance, its like youre just trying to figure them out or something" Oooooo, scary.

So the Witchy Woman novel says I will go back to a coastline by the end of this pinnacle, major relationship in tow. I still don't believe in numerology (even with all the scary coincidences) but it will be interesting to see what happens next.

Back into the box 'o crap, checking back at pinnacle 4 :)



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