Food, drink, film and other random thoughts from The Lone Star State.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Why Blog?

In talking to one of my classmate tonight post-exam, I was telling him how I've been blogging HIV Prof and his witty classroom style.

"I dont get the whole blog thing, why do it?"

Interesting question. Not one I cared to delve into after a 3 hour exam but interesting just the same.

I can't answer for everyone but I do this for several reasons.

For myself: I've been journaling since I was 19. Its a good way for a person with a horribly bad memory to remember the random bits and pieces of their life. Its also fun to look back at something from years ago and realize just how much you have changed.

For my current friends: For a long time, as the seasoned foodie in Dallas, I have been annoying and entertaining my friends with word versions of restaurant reviews and cocktail recipies. Now they can come to one place to see them all and I don't have to clog up their email. Also, most of my friends don't live anywhere near me so this gives them a way to catch up on some pieces of my life while not having to be glued to their cell phones.

For future friends: Its interesting that blogs contain more honest text than you will ever find in profiles and instant messaging. Its a different head in blog land, different MOs. I'm getting to know some people I wouldnt otherwise have known existed.

So, in the am or pm I try to post at least one thing.

Also I try to pop over to My Buddy Matt's and see what is going on with him. Matt is the person that got me going on this - Thanks Matt! I think I've known Matt since he was a wee pup of 23. Its interesting to see how much he has changed now on the eve of his big TWO SEVEN :) Thumb through his blog and you will he that he is intelligent, witty and he stuggles - work, romance, political issues, etc. Its great to see the struggle and how he works through each one.

Click. Out to Hawaii to check in on BFLJock79. Are there any new chants? He has an incredible piece that he had written right after 9/11, very powerful. You'll always find the male body posted in volume here, they must be visual motivation for his quest for muscleboydom! :)

Then there are the blogs I started stalking from other links ...

Click, out to DC to sample E-Breechi , fellow grad student and social commentary extraordinaire. Good posts about the state of affairs in DC. Tune in to see if he still wants to be a dad :)

Click, over to Baton Rouge to see whats happening at Brett's Place. Will his friends guilt him into another shirtless competition? Stay tuned!

And then theres Sam, ah Sam. A little word of caution before you sample Sam's Painfully Honest Blog, if you are easily offended by language, sex, drugs, STDs, and the like you are better off not treading here. I can't condone much of what Sam does, BUT neither will I condemn or criticize. I think Sam deserves alot of credit for being painfully honest about his life; if only we could all put our lives out there to this level. This is courage most will never achieve. A truly incredible (and at times scary) path and I wish him nothing but the best.

There are others too, dont feel bad if I left you out, its getting late and I probably need to get my ass to bed! But one more ....

Of course, no evening is complete without a slice of campy pie. Click. Over to Bitch, Please!. I love this blog, its hysterical. I'm sure I will tire of it like an abused SNL skit but not soon! I'm not sure about the Amercian Idol origins of the character, Whatevia, but it looks authentic enough on the site. Check it out, or in the words of Whatevia - "Y'all bitches bettah read ma blog or I'll cut you!" lol, its wrong but funny!

Since I dont watch TV this has become the equivalent of others' addiction to reality shows. Just one difference, these people are real people.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Y'all bitches bettah read ma blog or I'll cut you!

And yes, the origins are real - just recently a video link to the American Idol song was put up on the site where you can see the first whatevia sighting.

12:16 AM

Blogger hbjock said...

Awww thank you for mentioning me! Heheh and to answer your question, yes I have other chants and poems that I've composed.. but most of them were chants that I had written for family marriages, births or deaths... So since those things don't really belong to me anymore, I haven't posted them. And we're having a bit of a problem here with copyright infringement here because most of our chants and dances are not protected by copyright laws because they're traditional material... and ever since two of those chants ended up in a *gasp* Disney movie with the melody totally changed and "Disney-fied", the hula masters and chanters were in an outrage.. So now we're all a little protective of our works. =)

3:10 AM

Blogger Jim said...

About Bitch, Please!. I missed the a couple of things the first time. You need to let the page load, and sometimes reload, there are a lot of images but all are good!

8:34 AM

Blogger Brettcajun said...

Thanks for the props Jim. You are a sexy man and thoughtful too! ;)

12:02 PM

Blogger Jim said...

Thanks Brett! Keep up the great posts :)

1:33 PM

Blogger M said...

Hey Mr. Jim -- he he - can you believe that we have known each other 4 years - wow

You are a great guy - glad I know....

so what did ya get me for my birfday!!!!!!


7:52 PM

Blogger Jim said...

Matty Matt -

I got you something very special. I think if I cut holes in the box he will make it 'till the 12th ;)

10:31 PM


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