Dallas: #1 Real Estate Market In The US
Its true. It also explains a lot of what I have been seeing in Dallas since the early 2000's.
CNN Money did a study of large and mid sized real estate markets in the US. The overwhelming message was that, in general, real estate values will start to level off or in some cases they predict it will even drop, thus ending this major boom we have been experiencing. But, there are exceptions - Dallas, Houston, Tucson, Las Vegas, etc.
Basically they calculated the median home cost and the median salary then ranked cities in terms of affordability. Dallas came out number one; our real estate values are the lowest considering our relatively high median salary. This explains why in 2000, 2001 the construction of these $500,000 townhomes accelerated rather than diminished. Take a look around OakLawn and Love Field, there are so many of these 1/2 million dollar townhomes its staggering. Welcome to the new neighborhood for empty nesters and dual income no kid families.
Take a look at these that are going up across the street from me.

ParkCities Townhomes

ParkCities Townhomes

ParkCities Townhomes

These start at $300K for the small 1500 sq ft units and they go up to $500K. I have a 1050 sq ft townhome that sells for $125K. You can see the huge discrepancy. This will definitely be good for owners in my complex, we have nowhere to go but up.
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