Food, drink, film and other random thoughts from The Lone Star State.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Big, Big Torch

Finally made some time to go see

Superman Returns

Its a formula, so the plot was predictable, good conquers evil. There was a little plot wrinkle which clearly indicates the Superman sequel machine has started.

I enjoyed it as I expected. But here were the surprising elements. Parker Posey - she showed up as Kitty, Lex Luther's girlfriend. It doesn't matter what role she plays or how much camera time she has, Posey's characters all take center stage. Except for Brandon Routh, she outshines everyone, even Kevin Spacey. They don't call her the Queen of the Indies for nothing.

The other surprising element was situational. I had no other time to see this but Sunday afternoon. The theatre was jammed full of kids. Not my usual scene and I thought I would have to go to the extremes of the theatre to get some peace. However, the kid density worked for me. Everytime Superman saved someone, the kids, en masse, applauded and shouted. Anytime Lex Luther appeared he was booed, some kids even threw popcorn at the screen. I totally enjoyed the enthusiastic audience participation. Aside from cleaning butter flavoring out of my shirt, I think seeing Superman movies with a big group of kids will be the way to go in the future.

The Superman torch has been passed to Brandon Routh. He is a beautiful man, a convincing superhero and very much worthy of carrying on the Superman legacy.

Somewhere, Christopher Reeves is smiling.



Blogger Jason said...

Glad you caught it. You are right, it was a bit formulaic but man is he hot. When that cape came off...

He is a good successor to Chris Reeves who will always be Superman to me ;)

9:16 AM

Blogger ryan charisma said...


I couldn't decide if I loved Louis Lane's husband or Superman more. I was waiting for them to wrestle themselves into a little sex scene. It didn't happen, well not in that movie.

10:27 AM

Blogger Jim said...

Definitely Jason, Reeves defined the role but like you said Routh isnt so hard to look at for 2 1/2 hours :)

11:24 AM

Blogger Jim said...

LOL, Ryan, I'm gonna go with Routh but you may get your chance to see some wrestling in the sequels.

Now, who will you pick in the upcoming Batman - Bale or Ledger?

11:34 AM

Blogger Jim said...

You and your size 13's dont scare me, 7 :)

Actually I read the description on Amazon then popped it in my cart, sounds like a good plane read. I believe that should give me a 10-14 business day delay in the ass whooping.

5:48 PM

Blogger steve'swhirlyworld said...

Okay, when you started with "Big, Big Torch", my mind went into the gutter. There were rumors that they had to edit the film b/c his crotch was too big for most audiences to get past - not sure how true that is. I think he's cute too...haven't seen it yet though.

7:53 PM

Blogger Jim said...

On a 20 foot screen that could have caused a few people to drop dead, Steve - lol

Definitely see it on the Big, Big Screen :)

9:28 PM

Blogger Jim said...

Well Guero, Steve seems to think they had to tone it down to keep from scaring people :)

7:46 AM


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