
My friend and action reporter, the highly elusive urban Tara, made an emergency U-turn on her way home from work to bring us this very disturbing image. I am concerned. What is this school trying to tell us? Are they advertising a trait that is required for admission or are they simply telling us that this is a trait common to the student body?
Either way this is simply more fuel for my getting out of this city.
That sign said, POOP!
That's all ;)
9:19 PM
Oh shuuure, to the untrained eye. I know there is a poop conspiracy going on :) lol
10:37 PM
hahah, POOP are evrywhere!or POP corn EATERS!
6:59 AM
Maybe Guero but I'm sure its something far more sinister :)
7:31 AM
Yes Neil, thats it, the poop and pop corn eaters are in on it together LOL :)
7:32 AM
I think you should call and ask them what's up with the poop.
11:20 PM
Dont worry lelo, I'll get the scoop on the poop :)
1:10 AM
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