Food, drink, film and other random thoughts from The Lone Star State.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Book Meme

Jason snuck up behind me and tagged me with a Book meme.
Hmmm, let me think.

1. One book you have read more than once:
The Stranger - Albert Camus

I read it twice because I didnt get it the first time. I still don't like this book but I respect it and would definitely call it a classic.

2. One book you would want on a desert island:
5. One book you wish you had written:

One Hundred Years Of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Its not a cop out that two of the questions are answered by this book, I just liked it. Its not for everyone and of the people I've talked to about this book, there was no gray area, they either loved it or hated it. I found it to be a discourse on everything important and trivial in life, but it takes slow, patient reading to absorb. If you want to be passively entertained, this one is not for you.

3. One book that made you laugh:
Catch 22 - Joseph Heller

Sledgehammer satire and sobering reality make this 60's novel shine as one of the most entertaining and thought-provoking.

4. One book that made you cry:
Schindler’s List - Thomas Keneally
No explanation required here.

6. One book you wish had never been written:
Survival Analysis, Techniques for Censored and Truncated Data - John Klein
Don't ask :)

7. One book you are currently reading:
Deception Point - Dan Brown

Havent actually started it yet but its in my carry-on and ready to go. Wait, can we still take books on planes? :)

8. One book you have been meaning to read:
Satanic Verses - Salman Rushdie

If its good enough to net the author a death sentence and asylum, I should probably read it :)

9. One Book That Changed Your Life:
Cathcer In The Rye - JD Salinger
Red Badge Of Courage - Stephen Crane
Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne

What? You expected just one? :)


Blogger steve'swhirlyworld said...

I'm going to buy Catcher in the Rye and I'm going to read it again! I loved that book. I swear, this is like Oprah's Book Club :)

8:06 AM

Blogger Jim said...

LOL, Steve.

I'm not sure if Oprah would pimp Satanic Verses but you never know :)

8:15 AM

Blogger Jason said...

Satanic Verses, that is one I need to pick up also. I want to add In Cold Blood to the list of good books as well.

Red Badge of Courage, and Scarlett Letter. I remember reading those in high school as well. Loved them.

I'll need to look into some of your recommendations. Thanks Jim.

9:08 AM

Blogger ryan charisma said...

I loved The Scarlett Letter too!

we're like twins; only different.

11:15 AM

Blogger Jim said...

Oh yeah, In Cold Blood is excellent Jason, I just read that one a few months ago!

12:22 PM

Blogger Jim said...

Exactly Ryan, we are the Doublemint twins with facial hair :)

12:24 PM

Blogger NeiLDC said...

I love some books of John Grisham as well., but i do love books of David Leavitt!

4:10 PM

Blogger Jim said...

I like Grisham too Neil, he makes for good plane reading. Havent heard of the other.

5:35 PM

Blogger ~r. said...

ive read some of oprahs books. she doesnt have good taste. from now on youre my leader.

5:35 PM

Blogger Jim said...

LOL, thanks Rachel, I am proud to be your new book leader :)

5:37 PM

Blogger Matt said...

I read Camus' L'Étranger in the original French in High school and I'll ready anything Dan Brown writes! Gives me good ideas for future audiobooks to listen to. (I'm to active to read with my actual eyes)

8:00 PM

Blogger Jim said...

Matt, I'm impressed, I had a hard time reading The Stranger in English. French? I'd still be trying to read it :)

8:11 AM


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