Right, say that 3 times fast.
Not just a tongue twister, she was a real person, one of the few female pharaohs of Egypt. Although there were other female pharaohs, Hatshepsut was, according to historians, the most powerful and the most effective at causing cultural change in Egypt.

Even though she co-ruled the country with her nephew, treating him as an equal in all decision making, it was the nephew who, after Hatshepsut's death, attempted to erase her memory from the face of planet. As the story goes, he had her name erased from every document, tablet and carving then later he blew up her tomb. Egyptologists still debate the motives of his actions, suggesting that he acted on the desires of the royal court, but in the end the joke was on him. When he exploded her tomb he created a nice little vacuum which perfectly preserved EVERYTHING, some of which is on display at this moment at the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth.

I found the art, artifacts and history of this exhibit to be one of the most interesting that has passed through the Kimbell in the last 13 years. If you are in the area before it leaves Fort Worth (December 31, 2006) this would be one thing not to miss.
I've never heard of her, I think it's amazing that in his attempt to blow up her tomb, he actually preserved it!!
I will have to look up more.
Thanks for sharing this.
1:00 PM
2:41 PM
Sure Jim! I know, I loved the irony :)
5:05 PM
LOL, Scott, you know a purple twinkie was discovered in her tomb :)
5:06 PM
The only reason I can pronounce the word is that it ran in the opening monologue to the "Oh Mighty Isis" show during the Shazam/Isis Power Hour... Um, yeah. I'm a geek.
9:13 PM
Sounds like an amazing exhibit. I've always been fascinated with the Egyptians and the Greeks.
Great pics!!
10:57 PM
Egyptology is fascinating. Ever since I saw Tut I have been learning. I am jealous, I would love to see the exhibit!
11:24 PM
Oh mighty Isis, lol
Funny, I remember that one, I guess Im a geek too, Rick
11:52 PM
Me too Jason, I'm lucky to have an Egyptian friend who is really into her ancestry, a wealth of info.
12:00 AM
Come on down Suzy, I would love for you to see it!
12:09 AM
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1:09 AM
This Fort woth you speak of. Is it the same one with THE STOCKYARDS (ol rodeo place) next to the ol' slaughterhouse?
If it is I had no idea there was a museum there. I may just come out to see this exhibit.
OMG Rick you are right! I have the episode where Isis goes on a geological expedition and keeps calling it "her rock hunt". She says it so fast it sounds like she is describing a gynological problem. I love that show!
1:11 AM
Yes it is Scotty. And across the street from the Kimbell is the Modern, the largest modern art museum in the country outside of NYC.
I always found it ironic that Ft. Worth, not Dallas, is the center of culture in N. Texas.
7:51 PM
OMG, I love the Kimbell and the entire Arts District of F.W...I'm just a little bit jealous - I miss it.
8:18 PM
You can always come back for a visit! (or is that ban from the mayor still active? ;) )
8:26 PM
The ban is still active...thanks for telling everyone Jim!
8:12 AM
No need to be embarassed Steve, streaking was very popular back then! :) (although most people did it at ball games not the mayor's inauguration)
8:19 AM
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