Food, drink, film and other random thoughts from The Lone Star State.

Sunday, July 10, 2005


The big garage sale was a success. I turned crap into cash, bonus!

I have to say that our group has honed down the formula for garage sale success. It should be hosted by several people -- men and women. It should have a wide variety of items -- small and large ticket. There should be the items from the requisite categories: clothes, kitchen items, kitchen appliances, picture frames, furniture. Dont try to sell winter items in 100 degree heat, not even for $1.There should definitely be alcohol and food, this is afterall an all day event.

6am to 6pm, almost $500 -- not bad.

At closing time a kid on a mountain bike rode up and asked if he could help us -- for a price, of course. He offered to round up all of the signs from the hood in exchange for some of the unsold items.

Deal, go!

Later he returned. My friend Terry was loading up 2 chairs that didnt sell. Great chairs: big, heavy, leather, Moorish detail. She wouldnt back down on price, happier to haul them home. Random blue Lexus stops to look at them. This kid, who knows the driver, looks at Terry and says,

"Hey, if I can sell those chairs to that guy for asking price, can I get a commission?"

Deal, go!

The kid talks to the guy and the blue Lexus turns around, parks and the driver gets out. The kid gets in the back of the truck and plants into one of the chairs.

"Oh man, these are the most comfortable chairs. So sturdy and stylish too. These would look great in your office!"

The guy buys them for asking price. As the blue Lexus guy walks back to his car to get his checkbook the kid adds.

"Oh yeah, remember when I helped you out with 'blah, blah, blah'? Well, while you are making out her check, you can make me out mine. $50, please. By the way, you got a great deal on those chairs and they are going to look great!"

Terry gave him his $20 commission for selling the $250 chairs.

The kid made $70 in 30 minutes plus walked away with a box of items that he intends to resell at his own garagae sale.

I should mention that this kid is twelve years old. 12!

He'll be a millionaire before graduating high school.


Blogger Jim said...

Blue Lexus guy is realtor in the hood, the kid helped him put up and take down signs for showings.

11:45 PM

Blogger hbjock said...

You made some good money huh? Awesome =)) Lord knows we all need money like that..

1:46 AM


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