Black Suit & A Gun
When I first started the job search in the new arena, I was expecting a huge rush of interest from the Washington DC area, followed closely by the Pharma density from PA to CT and of course San Diego, the birthplace of Computer Science meets Biological Science.
But that didn't happen. Initially it was Texas only; Dallas, Austin, San Antonio and Houston.
Now, a month later the tide has turned yet again. The cities that seem most interested in me are (in increasing order of callback volume)
5) Boston
Not so surprising since Boston has always been a leader in the Bio-Computing arena. The problem I have with Boston is the white stuff that falls from the sky.
4) Phoenix
This was a surprise to me but apparently there is a considerable amount of clinical trial work here (maybe its an age-related demographic). I've always like the PHX area to visit, I wonder if I would like living in the "dry heat".
3) Las Vegas
Yeah, totally surpised me but LV has invested much in the bio-computing arena, apparently in an ongoing effort to balance out their ecomony. LV would be a good place since I like its 24-hour nature and most of CA friends now live there.
2) Atlanta
ATL's economy is so diverse its almost impossible to get your head around it all. CDC is headquartered here so they anchor a fairly big bio-computing community. The bonus to ATL would be an existing friend base and my folks are only 4 hours away.
1) Washington DC
These are all gov jobs, which is cool with me since I worked for the CIA, NSA, Army and Navy back in my 20's. When I recall all of the places I have worked (over 100, I'm a consultant) I think I enjoyed my time with the gov people the most. Sure the NSA polygraphers were not very humorous; I thought it was funny when they asked me "Do you have or have you ever had sex with an animal?" and I replied "Well, some of them have been a little wild, does that count?" But judging by the "Just yes or no, please" response I got, they were not amused. Once you get past that administrative detail, the people in the agencies are far from uptight and rigid, although they are hyperfocused on getting the job done.
So now I'm faced with many different agency opportunities, all of which have pretty good salaries and excellent bennies.
Of course the most important reason to consider these positions is that I think I would look good in a black suit and a gun.
It really is all about fashion.
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