NYE 2006
Austin was the destination for NYE this year. Normally when I go to Austin I spend more time with friends than family, so I decided to transpose the two this time. I don't think I had seen my cousin and her family for a couple of years. While I was at my cousin's house, her son, who is 14, came clumping down the stairs. Everyone said they wished they had a camera to capture my face when I saw him. The last time I remember seeing him he was 8 and shorter than me. Now he is 6' tall and looks like a college student. Even their 8 year old is almost looking eye-level at me. Giants, all of them! lol

Actual NYE was a small house party with friends, complete with overtaking the drive outside as our personal (and slightly illegal) fireworks launching pad. Beautiful! It was cold but me managed to drink enough wine to stay warm.
New Year's day Auntee and I went to the new Whole Foods in downtown. I've been to a Whole Foods before but Auntee insisted that I had not been to one like this one. She was right, this makes Central Market look like a Stuckeys truck stop. Seriously, you have to love a grocery that has a whole nut roasting station, 50 varieties, all freshly roasted. The produce 'ailse' was bigger than my neighborhood Krogers. I would have to live next door to this place if I lived in Austin.
Here in Las Vegas we call Whole Foods, "Whole Paycheck".
It doesn't stop me from shopping there though :)
11:18 AM
There is a WF within walking distnace of me and I wont shop there for exactly that reason - too pricey. But the one is downtown Austin was reasonable, even less expensive than our Krogers!
12:06 PM
He's only 14 Steve! Jeez...my jaw would have dropped too.
12:32 PM
I know Steve, good thing he's good at basketball! :)
1:18 PM
Good to hear you had a great NYE.
I love whole foods too.
Wait, you're vertically challenged??
3:03 PM
No Jason, I'm just short, lol (5'8")
3:27 PM
5 8" is not short!!!! If I really stretch, I can make 5 9" ...we're the highest point on the bell curve :0)
10:45 PM
LOL, Steve - yes, that is a better way to put it :)
7:17 AM
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