
Today is my mom's birthday, she is
(Really mom, its getting harder for me to pull off 19 :)
Tomorrow my mom is going to get an interesting present, a new neck. She has been in a neck brace for a year now due to a degenerative spine disorder. She goes in for surgery tomorrow. I'm a little bit worried. Not for the surgery, since that will only take an hour and the surgeon does these procedures daily, but rather for the recovery.
Mom is notoriously stubborn and a "stay in bed for 2 weeks" recovery order from the doc is not likely to stick. Witness the colon surgery of 10 years ago. She was supposed to stay in bed for 2 weeks. When I called her the day following I heard the distinct clatter of dishes in the background.
'Mom, what are you doing?'
'Nothing, just tidying up in the kitchen.'
'I'm sorry but weren't you supposed to be in bed for 2 weeks?'
'Oh shit, I'm gonna have to let you go, your father is pulling into the driveway!'
I can hear the shuffle of bedroom slipper-clad feet scooting across the hardwooods, furiously trying to get back to bedroom before my dad discovers she has decided to clean the kitchen rather than stay in bed the day after major surgery.
'You are SO in trouble!'
'I'm hanging up now.'
Click, dial tone.
It might be a little different this time since my dad is retired and at home :)
Happy Birthday Mom, and buena suerte!
Happy Birthday Mom!! What a beautiful lady (and such a spirit!)
I hope everything goes well with her neck surgery.
8:29 AM
Thanks Jim, me too :)
12:29 PM
Obrigado, Sangroncito!
3:12 PM
Hi 'Grandma' :)
Its best to reach them by my dad's cell phone. If you dont have it give me an email.
3:12 PM
Happy Birthday Mom2! I hope the surgery goes well. Your mom looks great, as always.
11:34 PM
Thanks Suzy, I'm sure everything will go well today. I'll update you as soon as I hear something :)
7:45 AM
Everything went well today, mom has a new C3 through C7.
10:16 PM
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