There were many things to celebrate in January. Noeha - new gig at the Ritz. Alana - nailed her real estate test and is now an agent. Mark - finished his company direction meeting after 4 months of 14 hour days spent planning. Lauren - admission to law school. Galina - a birthday and still looking like a model after two children. Tara - finished her first year of grad school with a kickass 3.9 GPA. Paul - survived his week long stint in South Carolina. Me - only 11 months of school to go!
So we had a January celebration dinner Saturday. Not like we need a excuse to do these but sometimes it helps with nailing everyone down in one place at one time :)

I made THE mushroom port lasagne, it has become my signature dish. To date this has produced 4 marriage proposals and many more squeals of delight. It takes 3 days to make but it is worth the effort. There is no way I will type up the 6 pages of ingredients and directions but if you are interested check out the source, Field Of Greens .

Everyone brought something for dinner: Goat cheese, brie, carmelized onion and mushroom pizza (Tara). Antipasti salad with provolone, salami, garbanzos and tomato in a red wine vinaigrette.(Noeha). Canolis(Lauren & Paul). It was all incredibly good and went well with the wines from Galina, Mark and Lauren.

This picture is interesting because we have Lilia and Noeha together in the middle. Both share much in common: they are both young, attractive, intelligent, sweet-natured, fun-loving ambitious women. They also share one other thing in common - the same ex-husband. Yep, and they have become friends. Their children consider each other family. If I were the ex-husband, I would be feeling really small and very self-conscious right about now.
Pity :)
YES..you sure do. Mushroom Port Lasagna....omg. You have such amazing friends! It's no wonder you all arent obese!
12:53 PM
Look into lasagne, eat the lasagne, look into the lasagne, eat the lasagne. You are getting very hungry, eat the lasagne :)
2:27 PM
Yeah, it is surprisingly we arent packing on more pounds. These kinda meals are spread out though, like once a month. In between we just eat carrots and drink water :)
2:29 PM
Have you ever considered a career in food? You talk about it with such passion and you sound like a great cook.
When are YOU going to be in these pictures? Hmmmmm??? ;)
3:17 PM
I explored that option Adam but I found culinary school to be TOO expensive. I also don't want to turn my passion into a J.O.B. Maybe I'll be a food critic for my next career.
Oh, yeah, I'm not actually a real person but an artificial intelligence program simulating one, so pictures are not appropriate :) (I'm usu. the one taking the pictures)
7:17 PM
Wow - that sounds like fun Jim - you guys did have a lot to celebrate....
I am celebrating having my computer fixed finally....
1:28 PM
Yay, FINALLY, your computer is back up. Welome back Mattito!
2:56 PM
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