No Explanation

Looks like I am consistent, again a 50% correct pick for the Oscars.
Please entertain yourself with this interesting Jason image while I am completing my final round of interviews.
Cheers, Jim
Labels: Etc
Food, drink, film and other random thoughts from The Lone Star State.
Labels: Etc
Its coming up this Sunday night.
Electrical Guy, Window Guy, and Virtual Tour Guy came and went this week. The virtual tour process is fun and I think I have extreme camera-envy of Virtual Tour Guy's equipment (camera, Scott, camera, lol). Virtual Tour Guy hands off the images to Realtor Girl today so we should list tomorrow. My worst fear is that will sell in one day and then I will have no place to live, lol.
Labels: Etc
I completed one item on my 300-count task list yesterday. I saw the last of the movies nominated for an Academy award. I know you are as excited as I am.
Labels: Film, Half Nelson
Sister has been going to progressive Unitarian church. The church has an interesting mix of people with large gay and lesbian following, some of whom have children. She's enjoyed the church so much that she decided to volunteer to teach classes for the kids. It started out mainly being classes centered around yoga, since she does that for a living. I thought that was interesting, teaching the physical and spiritual nature of yoga to 8-10 year olds. Not that they can grasp it fully, but at least the concepts will not be foreign to them later in life.
Labels: Etc
The going away lunches, dinners, etc, have already begun. I tried a new place last week. Its been getting alot of buzz lately and I had to confirm whether or not it was truly worthy.
Labels: Restaurant, Salum
I spent a bit of my youth in Alabama, Mobile to be exact. What I remember most from that era were my neighbors: Suzy, her sister Karen, her mom (my DC Mom) and her dad, Ralph. Ralph was a career Coast Guard guy, a helicopter pilot. When the CG took him from Alabama to Alaska our family went to visit. What I remember vividly to this day was Ralph taking us up for rides in his helicopter to see the hundreds of little islands where they lived; the weaving in and out of lines of trees at almost a sideways angle, quick ascent over the mountains, then quick descent to touch the water. Thing is, Ralph loved flying us around more than we loved the ride, which is something considering it is one of my favorite memories. I can still see Ralph's wide-eyed grin and hear his booming laugh as he showed us one of the most beautiful states in the country.
Another day, another sampling.
Labels: Chai Cheesecake, Dessert, Recipe
Its an interesting premise for a film but its also usually one that falls flat on its face, too predictable. I'm talking about the end of the world.
Labels: Film, Last Night
Hey Mahmoud,
Labels: Rant
Me: I'm very happy for you, your new wife is beautiful.
Labels: Rant
Two offers in, waiting on one, the one I want, of course. Today's forecast about 90% chance of Atlanta with about 10% chance of Houston.
Labels: Etc
Bad vegetarian, bad!
Queue creepy music. Go. Zoom in on wobbly gurney wheel. Stop. Pan back to silhouette of man disappearing in hallway. Go. Insert clip of foot with toe tag. Stop. Tight focus on eye being wiped with a cotton ball. Roll credits. Overlay red on small tree. Steady to crow flying horizontal.
Labels: Six Feet Under, TV
About that sampling I conducted last week with Highly Elusive Urban Tara and Big Mike. (with cameo appearance by Hotel Godess, who subsequently fell asleep on my sofa after a 16 hour workday).
Apparently I am not going to be able to post stuff without a week's lag. That may have been too lofty a goal, like last year's ill-fated resolution of being nicer to stupid people.
I discovered Ivri Lider, Israel's gay pop icon, last year after falling in love with the Rita cover song that he sings in the movie Yossi & Jagger. Since then Ive ordered all of his CD's from a store in Jerusalem. I even ordered a copy for Girlfriend X, since she is really into foreign language music these days. She asked me to translate the following song, "Bo" (Let's), which is the song from Yossi & Jagger. Just because I know the Hebrew alphabet doesn't mean I know the what the words mean, lol, but I managed to find some Youtuber that did the work for me. My work is done!
Labels: Ivri Lider, Music