
Friday night, the first installment of the 'ITS OVER' weekend. Tara and I are OVER our summer sessions of school and Noeha is OVER her divorce (now official) .
First stop, De Tapas in Addsion for some Sangria and Spanish food. Shown here in front to clockwise: Karim, Noeha's son -- The quick-witted and beautiful Lauren, a new friend from school -- The handsome and very personable John -- And the lovely, talented and now, thankfully single, Noeha.
Later we went gathered at Noehas for the obligatory Old Monk nightcap; Old Monk is a wonderful molasses based rum from India, you can't find it in the states but Noeha is usually willing to share her stash. After a little Old Monk we all took our personality tests online. And trust me this is very entertaining after a few Old Monk and Cokes. LOL. Lauren, we discovered, has the 'Enforcer' personality. She wasnt too happy with this proclaiming, 'Thats not very interesting.'
Well Lauren, with a heavy German accent and perhaps a purse-sized riding crop, it could be.
Onward to part two of the 'OVER' weekend, my friend Tara finally, after a year of home ownership, invites us to her house. She's taken on a renovation project of Jim proportions and it looks great. Congrats on the bang-up job, chica! It didn't help matters that her 100 pound puppy decided to exit the house through her sliding glass door several days before the party; the door was closed at the time of his gracious exit. Then there was the surpise kitchen pipe that sprung a leak. 'I am having this party, dammit!', unmoved by the pre-party deterrents. And she did.

Tara with her near twin, Noeha. Noeha, sporting the lastest in post ACL surgery fashion accessories. Nothing keeps Noeha down.

I love animals but have none of my own so I made friends with Tara's 100 pound puppy, Dante, making an appearance with Paul. Very good natured and playful, but look at those eyes. Hey, I saw Pet Cemetery! Good boy, Cujo, I mean Dante.
I also had the chance to have coffee tonight with two fellow bloggers visiting Dallas . Its funny, they were both much like the personalities they project through their posts. While blogging doesn't give you even a partial view of the whole person, IMHO, the view you get is more accurate than say, an AOL profile.
Also had a chance to chat with my internet buddy, John several times while he was in Dallas. Its too bad I didnt get a chance to meet him in person but our schedules unfortunately never seemed to coincide (sorry John!)
Since I'm handing out apologies, Chris & David, thanks for the invite but I was out later than expected!